Travel Technology Partner | OTA Development Partner

OTA Development Partner | Travel Technology Team Owner | Travel Software Developer Team Owner

In the travel and tourism world, the most important team is travel technology. Every well-set-up travel company requires a Travel Technology team. It’s costly to maintain our in-house technology team, so we are introducing a joint travel technology team. Who will be part of your travel technology team, and if you want to maintain global standards then it’s mandatory to keep your travel technology team. We will do the whole process with an agreement, The purpose of this agreement (MOU) is to establish a partnership between your travel company and zoo Travel Technology.

zoo Travel Technology’s “Development Partner” agreement is a process of teamwork, where you will work as a management part. We will share not only developers but we separate the full office, and our full team is a dedicated travel technology team. Our main goal is to support our management, and you will join our management team with an agreement.  here is the Travel Technology Partner | OTA Development Partner | Travel Technology Team Owner | Software Management Team  agreement,  you may download it from here:

Download Developer’s agreement


Scope of Collaboration:

Our approach to working as a travel technology team involves employing specialized expertise, innovative travel solutions, and an effective OTA. Here is the scope of Collaboration:

  • Dedicated OTA Software development for travel business operations.
  • Respective travel technologies to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Share resources and expertise to provide superior customer support and services.
  • Customize your own OTA as per your requirements, which is like owning your development team.
  • Getting a dedicated, experienced, and cost-efficient OTA development team.
  • Spend less than hiring an in-house developer team with a dedicated professional OTA Project manager.
  • APIs Distribution scope for the global travel industry.
  • Smooth business operation scope with the Own Payment gateway.

Collaborate on OTA development projects with a developer team. This partnership aims to enhance the capabilities and market reach of both companies through joint efforts in technology development, and customer service.


  1. Both partners operate the developer team jointly and a project manager is dedicated to the full projects.
  2. The company source code security, management, and operation responsibilities are supposed to be maintained by the project manager.
  3. If any party wants to disclose the partnership, then the other party must inform another partner at least 2 months before.
  4. Both parties must maintain the 100% security of business terms and conditions, privacy, and policy.
  5. If any conflicts arise then both parties can resolve those issues orally, if fail then they will terminate the agreement as per the termination policy.


Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information shared during this partnership. Such information shall not be disclosed to any third parties without prior written consent from the other party.


This MOU will be effective from the date of signing and will remain until you disclose matters raised.  If both parties disclose the business orally then no action is required, but if they can not disclose then both have the right to disclose it officially with a business lawyer as per the percentage right.


Either party may terminate this MOU with 60 days written notice to the other party. Upon termination, both parties agree to return any confidential information and cease all collaborative activities. If any party wants a Termination, then after 1 year of business any party can terminate as per the agreement and the 2nd party will get the source code access for business operation without any payment.


Every month the percentage of expenditure is supposed to come from this account, after raising an account voucher. And here are our bank details:

  • Bank Name: The City Bank
  • A/C Name:- Zoo Travel Technology
  • Branch:- New Market Branch
  • A/C No:- 1223738554001
  • SWIFT Code:- CIBLBDD  | Routing Number:- 225263527

Monthly Developer Office Expenses as per agreement: 

Right now, our developer team office is located at Happy Arcade Shopping Mall, holding 3, Road 3, Shop 33,34,35, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, 1205. For cost efficiency, both parties chose the office space in a “co-working office” which was rented by both party’s OTA developers teams. On behalf of the development team, both parties will bear the cost as per percentage and a 30% market service charge, electricity bill, and co-working office rent (17500BDT) will be included with the usual monthly expenditure.

Total Monthly Development Cost (Approx. 3,21,250 BDT) 

  • Salary: 2,85,250 BDT 
  • Co-working Office Space 30% Rent: 17500 BDT 
  • Co-working Office Space 30% Service charge & electricity bill: 10,000 – 15000 BDT (approx.)
  • Dedicated internet line 3500 BDT

The joining policy is: 

  • 2 Months in advance of our team expenses.
  • Monthly 30% share of team expenses.

Why you join us: 

You will join us to develop your travel business, where we will work as your travel technology team. All travel agencies require a travel technology team, and they work with travel APIs, Hotel APIs, GDS APIs, NDC APIs, and Airline APIs. Even some travel agent has plans to distribute their APIs, in that case, you need a professional travel technology team. So the deal is simple with us, share 30% of office costs and be part of our developers team. Where you will join us as a management member and we will be your technical team who take care of your business and source code. This is the best cost-effective business model, where you will own a travel technology team.

For More Details: Call Or WhatsApp us at +8801978569299, +8801978569291
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